Saturday, October 13, 2012

BYU football game

Today I went to a BYU football game for the first time. I went with Kate. She is my mom's good friend from Camarillo that she's known practically her whole life. So she's like my aunt. When we got to the gate that we were supposed to go through to get into the stadium, we saw my dad there and we got a picture (see above). We also got a picture of me in the stadium. You can see the field behind me with the marching band.

When Kate came to pick me up, she gave me a black t-shirt with a Y on it. It was for the blackout game. The football players' uniforms were black with blue and white, and other things were painted black too. I got a mini pizza to eat at the game. It was really fun and I liked it a lot! The marching band also played some of a Star Wars song and we got to sit near them.

Near the end of the game, the Beavers won. They are a college team from Oregon. They beat BYU because they had about 42 points and BYU had 21 points I think. But it was still fun. One time one of the BYU players flipped over a Beaver player. Cosmo the cougar was there too. One time he even did a flip thing. It was fun to watch him. It was also fun to watch the marching band and the cheerleaders. There was a lot of other fun stuff too and we got to sing the fight song. I remember that from Mrs. Miller's class. She was a big BYU fan and whenever they had a game she would have the class sing the fight song. I wonder if she was there too. The marching band did some amazing stuff and it was really, really fun to watch them.

I had a lot of fun there and I hope I get to go to another football game again!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

I'm Back!

It has been over a year since I've blogged on here! I wish I did it more often. But anyways I wear glasses now. I think that we first discovered I needed glasses when I was having trouble seeing at school. So this is a picture of me above with glasses on.

I'm in 4th grade now. My teacher is Mrs. Harrington. We are learning about bats right now. They aren't scary at all. They're actually very interesting and fun to learn about. We are also sort of learning about Indians of Utah. We have to make an Indian structure from an Indian tribe for a project. I think it's going to be fun.

Other things that are new since I last blogged are:
  1. I'm on the 4th Harry Potter book.
  2. I'm also reading the 4th Percy Jackson book.
  3. I'm taking tennis lessons.
  4. I'm taking piano lessons.
  5. I have a new friend Benji. He's in a wheelchair
  6. Adam S. has been in my class every year so far.
  7. I've discovered a new show called Wizards of Waverly place. 
  8. I had a growth spurt and grew out of most of my clothes.
  9. I got a trophy from Chess Club.
That's it for now. I'll see you next time!